I'm sure we've all been in
that situation where we're so frustrated, that the only apparent reaction is to
yell. Your heart rate rises, you can feel the blood rushing to your face, your
hands start to shake and you're just so angry. Sometimes, yelling
at someone can make you feel like you're taking control of the situation, and
if you can just make them understand, everything will be okay. When
But the truth is, when
you're angry, you're at the mercy of an unpredictable and powerful emotion. When you’re that angry, your ability to
think rationally and respond appropriately flies out the window.
When life is hard and we
have to cope with a lot of stress a lot of the time, we tend to have very short
fuses. We’re easily angered and frustrated and we respond to any stressor with
agitation. Mindfulness is actually a very effective technique to deal with this
kind of stress. Focusing entirely on what you’re doing, even if it’s just
cleaning your room or your morning routine, can have a calming effect. You aren’t
as tense when you don’t have a dozen things racing through your mind at once
Thinking of something
happy can calm you down. If you’re going through a stressful few weeks or
months, setting aside a little time every few days to do something you enjoy
and spending that time completely involved in that activity can reduce your
stress levels.
Suppressing anger is not a
good idea. Anger is like a pressurized valve in the body. When it builds up, it
needs release. Suppressing anger will only lead to an explosion later on. However,
slowly dealing with anger-producing stimuli as and when they come will let the
frustration out slowly rather than all at once.
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