Sunday, 19 February 2017

Happiness Means Different Things to Different People

Happiness means different things to different people. 

You don't have to be exactly where you want to be, your life doesn't have to be perfect for you to be happy. Happiness is often taken to mean that everything in your life is working out and big things are happening for you. But what is a life with all ups and no downs? A person experiencing all highs and no lows will inevitably end up dissatisfied because they will always want more. A roller-coaster can't always go up.

Sadness doesn't have to be a bad thing. Everyone faces loss and disappointment. The grieving process not only heals, it makes you stronger and better equipped to deal with difficult situations. When I was in school, even the slightest disappointment sent me into depression. I got upset very easily and stayed upset for a long time. It wasn't until I started college that this started to change. A lot has happened over the past three years and that isn't a bad thing. I've developed healthy coping mechanisms and that has made such a big difference. 

Sadness is usually a reality check that reminds us that life isn't all sunshine and roses. We learn to find happiness in little things; In relationships with our family and friends, in good food or a particularly good movie. While exciting, action-packed days make good memories, it is the quiet days where not a lot happens that pull us through; days when we talk to friends we haven't spoken to in years, days when we stay up till 3 am laughing over a cup of hot chocolate, days spent with parents and little sisters... 

Even on the worst days, all I need is to hear my parents voices, to remind me that there are people who love me no matter what and the bad days don't seem so bad. For others, a night out with friends does the trick.

Happiness means different things to different people. 
Image result for happiness is
Image result for happiness is

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