Wednesday, 8 February 2017

“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot iron coal with the intent to throw it at someone-you are the one getting burned”
            Forgiveness to me is an action that can free and liberate us. Though it is the hardest thing to do, especially at times when someone has done us wrongly, it seems impossible to even consider this act of forgiveness. This subject matter has always intrigued me because it one which is so simple to do yet also the toughest. Yes, we all have had our own shares of situations where someone dear to us or even an acquaintance, has hurt us in ways we couldn’t even imagine, and at those times, we feel like “forgiveness” should not even be considered because those that have wronged us do not have the right to receive this minute act of kindness and mercy. ” Why should they?” is what we often think to ourselves, “they are the ones that have hurt us”.  However, when one is facing this dilemma they should consider this fact that the act of forgiveness is not entirely for their benefit but for ours.
            When we forgive, we let go of all the hurt and the pain and we can finally move on with our lives. It helps us to heal and to start afresh. When we forgive we must also forget. If we keep reminding others of their sins against us, it means we haven’t wholly forgiven them.  This will never bring us peace as a result. There would always be those heavy chains around our necks that keeps holding us down and prevents us from reaching our potentials, unless we forgive wholeheartedly.

            Thence, forgive your wrong doers as we all are sinners and we all need that kind of mercy every once in a while. 

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